Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Visual Guide To Oregon Coast Ghost Forests (Part 2)

To view Part 1, please click here

These 2 are HUGE & SPRAWLING! Most of them don't have quite this scale...


See? Huge...


Here's the another amazing factoid:
this stump is estimated to be around 2 Thousand years old!


The Oregon Coast Ghost Forests are an ecological treat for all sorts of beach-goers!


The Barnacles like them too!

Come out to the Oregon Coast and see these beautiful natural features for yourself!

Coming soon: find out how this happened...

Until then, check out all that we offer at the Coho Oceanfront Lodge

Photos & text by Liza Carlson


  1. Wow. Visiting this beach is a real fun treat for all the beach-goers. Those who loves the beauty of nature and wants to see the natural features would definitely visit this beautiful beach coast. Thanks to you for posting this awesome visual guide that can easily create interest in all the people.
    MHT NH Park and Fly
